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By Victoria Thornton   -

It was after God had given me many confirmations that one night God gave me a vivid dream. In the dream, God instructed me to stand in a certain place. I knew my mate walked the path in which God wanted me to stand. You see, we had classes in the same building but our classes were on different sides of the building.

In the dream, God told me to stand in a spot where I knew my mate would see me. This was the first time that God was orchestrating a way for us to meet. In the dream it seemed simple enough, all I had to do was to stand by the soda machine that was along the path he took to enter his class.

However, when the time came to stand in the place God directed me the night before, I froze. My feet wouldn't take me there as I became paralyzed in fear. Instead of keeping, my eyes on what God wanted me to do, I let my imagination run wild with all kinds of fearful and negative thoughts.

Several thoughts bombarded my mind, thoughts such as, ' what if this man doesn't like me?' 'What if he laughs at me?' 'What if he rejects me?' 'What if he doesn't even notice me?' As I contemplated what could go wrong, I became scarred and I ended up doing nothing. As a result, I found myself in outright disobedience to God.

Disobeying God is never good and I found out why. Before this incident, I enjoyed a close relationship with God and noticed immediately the change in my spirit when I disobeyed Him. I noticed the joy and peace that left my spirit the moment I disobeyed and it was awful.

But not only did I notice a change in my spiritual state that I had to recover by quickly repenting of this sin, but I found out later that my mate would no longer walk that path again. God knew that he was leaving school and I would never see him again in that building; so God was trying to have us meet before my mate moved away.

When I found out, my tears increased even more. Because I had never intentionally disobeyed God and thus broke the great fellowship we had; then I discovered that my mate moved away.

This news hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt lost and now I was really in fear. First, I feared I would never recover the awesome close relationship I had with Christ and then I feared that I had lost my mate forever. I later learned I lost none but it didn't feel good at the time.

Below is what I learned that helped pull me out of the depths of despair (that I brought upon myself). I hope that it will help you to avoid it.

I learn Psalms 86:5 and I John 1:9 are true. God forgives us when we confess our sins and He forgives quickly.

I learned that God is the God of second chances. If you will get back up, determined to do God's Will, God will help you recover. But I also learned it is not automatic. God's forgiveness was automatic after I confessed my sin and the closeness returned but the recovery of what God tried to do for me regarding my relationship took time.

You see, God and His angels had probably worked in our circumstances and my mate's heart to receive me but by my failure to obey, derailed it. When I failed to step into God's prearranged circumstances, I missed out on the blessing God had for me.

I learned that had I not stood in faith, the second meeting God arranged would have never happened since all the promises are received through faith. Then I discovered the second meeting God arranged was much scarier than the first. If I felt, the person God chose for me, could reject me the first time the second time was no different. I had the same opportunity to fall into fear as the first and I could have disobeyed God again.

The only difference between the first and the second orchestrated meeting was my determination to obey. I had the same fear, the same thoughts of rejection, and the same feelings of inadequacy but this time I refused to let them stop me.

I learned that had I not yielded to my fearful thoughts and emotions and kept my eyes on the Father, I might not have disobeyed Him. I learned that all thoughts are significant. The negative thoughts I entertained preceded my negative actions. Therefore, had I obeyed Philippians 4:8, following His instructions would not have been such a struggle.

So learn from my mistakes.

If you don’t want to put off meeting your mate into the future, yield to the Lord immediately and obey Him quickly. Know that if you refuse to yield the first time and God has to work it out for you again, it may not be as easy as the first.

It will still take faith to see God bring it to pass again. You won’t have the luxury of folding your hands waiting for God to do something. Faith will have to be reapplied to your situation.

Just like a navigational system has to recalculate when you go off course, God has to get you back on course before He can arrange the circumstances again. But understand, none of this will be done apart from your faith.

God takes into consideration the season that you are in and works it out perfectly when you yield the first time. However as time progress and as the enemy sees what God is doing, you can give the enemy more time to strategize against you. So move with God the first time He is moving in your life. You will be glad you did.

And last but not least, do not entertain, think on, meditate on negative or fearful thoughts. If those thoughts enter you mind, cast them off immediately. Because I am sure, had I not entertained those negative thoughts, I would not have acted on them.

So in conclusion, if you don’t want your blessing put off into the future and if you don’t want to complicate the Will of God for your life, make up your mind to begin yielding to Him today. One simple way you can begin yielding to the Lord is by yielding to the Word. If you see the Word of God as your instruction manual and start there, you may not be tempted to disobey Him, as I did.†

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