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God is Waiting on You

  • by Victoria Thornton
  • Have you ever gone to God and told him about your situation just to hear silence when you expected His help? Have you ever poured your heart out to God and afterwards gotten mad at Him because nothing seemed to change?  There was a reason for His silence.

    The reason God became silent when you did these things was because, other than console you and lead you back to His Word, he could not do much else. You probably didn't receive an answer when you acted like that for one or two reasons:

    1) You probably were not in faith and
    2) You were in a mental state of worry, desperation, fear and doubt.

    Since you receive through faith, His hands were tied when you approached him in doubt and desperation.  It's not that God does not care about you, He does.  He just cannot do anything about your situation apart from faith.  In a situation like this, God is waiting on you to believe his Word and approach him in faith.

    Hebrews 11:6, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    God Already Provided Your Answer

    Many people are waiting on God to do something about their circumstances. But the truth is, God is waiting on them. Why? Everything you'll ever need has been provided in the plan of God for your life and that includes a happy marriage. When you accepted Christ as your savior, you received the finished work of God.  Anything you need to live out the plan God has for you is covered.  Any answer or wisdom you need to turn your situation around is already in the mind of God awaiting your request.  He already has your answer.  But you take hold of it; you manifest it through faith. Habakkuk 2:4 states, ...but the just shall live by his faith. Please hear and understand this a very important truth, that God performs in accordance with your faith.

    Eph 3:20 states, now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKETH IN US. God Won’t Work Independent Of Man

    In the earth God will not work independent of man.  In your own life, God will not work independent of you.  Especially for New Testament saints, it is not God wielding his power apart from us to accomplish His will for our lives but God using His power within us. Since the beginning of time, God has always used man to move upon the earth. For instance, when God parted the Red sea, He had the power to perform it without Moses but instead commanded Moses and the people of Israel to go forward. God required the children of Israel to walk by faith.

    If you read the account in Exodus 14: 13-16, you’ll notice Moses was trying to calm the people by telling them to fear not because they were about to see the salvation of the Lord.  Yet as Moses was encouraging the people to trust in God, God asked Moses a strange question.  God asked Moses why was he crying out to him? Instead, God instructed Moses to tell them to go forward.  Even though it was God’s power that was going to part the Red Sea, God did nothing until the children of Israel walked toward the water.  God could have parted the Red Sea before they approached it but God was waiting on them to exercise faith.  Once they approached the water by faith, God parted it.

    There are many examples in the Bible where God performed his mighty works after He commanded his people to step out in faith.  In the New Testament Our Lord Jesus often told many that they received by their own faith.  Many times He told them, “thy faith had made thee whole.” This confirms a very important fact that God does not work in your life without your cooperation and He does not work apart from your faith.

    For example, in Matthew 9:22 Jesus told the woman with the issue of blood, her faith made her whole.  When two blind men approached Jesus to receive their sight, Jesus asked them if they believed he was able to perform it; when they said yes he answered, “according to your faith be it unto you”.

    And whatever you need at this very moment, it will be done to you according to your faith.  You must understand that God takes his cues from you.  It is not up to God if you receive your mate, it is up to you.  God will encourage you, prompt you to believe for your mate; flood your heart with a strong desire for marriage; even provoke you to jealousy by seeing others marry.  But until you release an uncompromising, persistent faith, it will not happen.

    And here is the good news. Because of the finished work of Christ you are not asking God to give you something you currently do not have; but simply receiving something which God has already provided.   This is good news because it’s easier to believe you already have something and using faith to manifest it, than to strive to get something you feel you presently don't have.  Once you make this paradigm shift and establish this in your heart that you already have what you are believing for --you won’t have any trouble receiving anything from God.†

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