(An Act of Compassion in Praying for Another.)

Do You Need Prayer for Your Situation?

Our Team of Prayer Warriors will pray up to 7 hours in a 2 day span or 4 hours in one setting. We approach the Father on your behalf for the Father to show you clear direction on what you need to do to get the victory. We 'll start with the scriptures asking the Lord to remove the scales from you and your mate's eyes and give you ears to hear. We'll ask the Lord to draw you and your mate with cords of Lord. We will also spend hours 'praying in the spirt', praying perfect prayers through the HolySpirit.


Limited Spots Available



While we will do our best and vehemently pray for your situation, we offer no guarantees. We never promise or guarantee that you will get a particular result. Also, while it may look like we are charging for prayer, we are not. We are simply asking to be paid for the time.


    TITLE:  Intercession for Your Situation

    Option 1: Prayer for 7 hours over 2 days

    Option 2: 4 hours of Prayer in one setting

    ~No Refunds


Thank You!

7-hour Prayer - $997.00 USD

James 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. 

4-hour Prayer Session - $497.00 USD