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Want to Get Answers to Prayer Manifested Quickly? Read this

  • by Victoria Thornton
  • If you want to see your answers to prayer manifest quickly, there are some things you can do before you pray that can almost guarantee it.

    First and foremost, have the scriptures that cover your promise planted deeply in your spirit man. Make sure your faith is in your heart and not your head. Faith in your head will lead to frustration, but faith in your heart will lead to manifestation.

    Second, know who you are in Christ. Knowing your authority as a believer helps you stop any delays in their tracks that Satan might try to throw in your path. Don’t think it strange that testing and temptations will try to arise to get you off your faith. Expect it and you’ll be better able to handle it when it occurs.

    Third, be sensitive to the voice of God so you know what to do and not do as you wait on the manifestation. Your participation may be required in getting your answer manifested, so be sensitive to God’s leading if he needs to direct you.

    Fourth, turn away from anyone or anything that try to convince you that you won’t receive what you are believing for. Believe it or not, the enemy will use people closest to you to try and get you off your faith.

    Fifth, stay focused on the word of God and faith even while you go through your day. While at work, in the car, in rush hour meditate continually on the scriptures that cover your promise. Continue to thank and praise God for his uncompromising word.

    Sixth, deal quickly with any doubt in heart. Doubt of any kind can slow down the manifestation or stop it all together. Do not give it place in your heart. Matt.13:58 states, He [Jesus] couldn’t do any mighty works because of their unbelief.

    Now you are ready to pray the prayer of faith. Do what the bible says in Mark 11: 24.

    Mark 11:24
    What things soever you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.

    After you have prayed, believed you have received. Then go about demonstrating your faith. Remember faith without works is dead. Speak it, act it and expect it to come to pass, because if you follow these steps it will†.

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