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Faith & Intercession

by Victoria Thornton   -

Oftentimes our physical circumstances seem to depict the direct opposite of what God wants for our lives. So when we set out to align it with the plans and will of God, opposition to His Will is the first obstacle we must face. When this happens, intercession plays a major role in seeing the Will of God perfected in our lives and the plans that God has for us. In many cases, in believing for the return of a mate, when mistakes happen and when we miss God's timing, He has to bring it around again.

Not moving with God and being available to step into what He is doing can sometimes cause the people involved to take different paths. Although they take paths God didn’t intend, God plans and vision remain unchanged. In order to realign ourselves back into the will of God and have what He planned, especially when other people are involved, we must set ourselves to prayer.

Usually when a person has deviated from God's Will for their lives, He calls the other person affected by the departure to pray. You may be called to pray if you can hear his voice; know His will and affected by the situation.

If you are faced with a circumstance like this; along with faith, intercessory prayer for the person is needed. So don't be surprised that God is looking to you to help set things right to bring about His Will in the earth.

The Word is clear, God does nothing without man. The Word says in 1 Corinthians 3:9, “for we are labourers together with God…”. (2Corinthians 6:1; III John 1:8)

By prayer, I don't mean a simple one-time prayer for God to reveal His will but intercessory prayer that must be constant and consistent until the desired results are manifested.

Constant and consistent prayer must be performed for many reasons but here are two major ones:
1. The person you are praying for freewill is involved and God has to work to change their heart to want to do the Will of God.

2. You are praying against those things blocking your prayers from manifesting.

It is important to note that we are never praying to get God to hear us, because the Word says in Isaiah 65:24…'that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.' So, we are never praying for God to hear but praying against the things that may be standing in the way.
And remember, because people have a freewill that God won't override, sometimes it can take a little time for the prayer of intercession to move on them to choose God's Will. So never give up, having the tenacity of a pit bull.

But How do you constantly pray for someone?

Much of the time spent praying for your mate should be spent praying in the spirit. Praying in tongues will relieve you of the responsibility of what to pray as you rely on the Holy Spirit to pray though you. According to the Word these are perfect prayers and they are beyond the scope of your knowledge.

Who would you rather have praying for you? Someone who has limited knowledge and praying based on what they see or someone who knows the thoughts you are planning to think before you think them? It's a hands-down choice to have someone praying for you who knows your past, present and future and is able to see right into your heart.

That is what you are doing when you allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you for another person. You are allowing the One with limitless knowledge about you, the person you are praying for and the situation you are in, to pray perfect prayers to get the victory you desire.

And most important, just because you are before the throne interceding for your mate, you must remember to stay in faith. Because if you are interceding for your mate and faith isn't present, it will be for naught. As Paul compared a sounding of brass or a tinkling cymbal to doing good deeds without love; likewise as you pray without faith. It profits nothing.

Therefore, the position of faith you should take as you intercede for your loved one is that it's already done. For instance, instead of praying 'God speak to the individual,' it assumes God isn't speaking to them. Instead, pray that they will be able to hear what God has already been speaking to them. The assumptions are different. In the first instance, it assumes God is not speaking. In the second, it assumes 'I know God is speaking; I pray that they will hear'.

In conclusion, remember to stay in faith, being tenacious as a pit bull, and never give up and you will be victorious in what you set out to accomplish.†

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