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It’s Time for a Fresh Commitment in Believing God for Your Mate

by Victoria Thornton   -

As time ticks away and we see more and more of the end time prophecies play out in our news, this is a good time to renew your commitment in believing God for your mate. God wants you married and associating with the people He has assigned to be in your life. God has big plans for you and He often schedules change or promotion through the people He appoints in your life.

God's Word never changes so in order to receive what we need from Him, we have to change if what we are doing is not producing results.
If we aren't getting the results we desire then it's time to take a hard look at what we are doing. Whether it's getting rid of wrong beliefs that prevent the Word from working in our lives to consecrating more of ourselves to the things of God to see the changes we need. All in all we must be willing to do something different.

You can make the necessary changes on your own or you can receive encouragement to change through the chastening of the Lord. (The former is much better than the latter.)

Abraham chose to obey and yield to the changes God wanted in His life. God had Abraham move away from his homeland; because before God could change Abram to become Abraham, the ‘Father of Many Nations, 'Abraham had to obey God and leave behind his current surroundings. God began his transformation by first uprooting him from his familiar way of doing things and separating him from the people he had become familiar with.

God needed personal time with Abraham to sow the seeds of destiny into his life. And if you are distracted, comfortable and not producing much for God, it's time to do something about it.

The time is now. There have been recent prophecies that have come forth that 2014 is the year the Father will deal with His children. And at this defining moment in history it's time to draw close to Him to find out what is hampering your marriage from coming to pass.

Since the Father is the originator of marriage, He wants to bring husbands to their wives and wives to their husbands. God sees you as someone's wife or husband. If you are female, God has someone in mind to be your husband; if you are male, God has someone in mind to be your wife.

God has done all the heavy lifting. He has chosen the person. He has readied the person and He desires to bring you together as you appropriate the promise.

And if you are asking, 'Why doesn't God just do it!” God has done it. Everything is done but all the promises of God are received by faith (Hebrews 6:12). So if you've been experiencing delay this article was written with you in mind.

To begin, let's start with a review of the faith process.

The process of faith is two-fold: The first part is sowing the promise of God into your heart and the second part is the releasing of faith.

The first part of the process is to sow the Word in your heart.

This requires hearing the word until it drops in your spirit where doubt can no longer exist. It requires meditating on the Word until it changes you from inside out. It is meditating on the promise of God for marriage until you are no longer 'a single-minded person trying to get married' but a 'married-minded person who has not met their spouse yet.

It is no different from a person who believes they are healed even while the sickness remains in their body. A person who believes they are healed even while showing symptoms of sickness is basing their belief on the Word only-- not on their feelings; not on their circumstances and especially not on their own logic and reasoning.

So as you prepare your heart to believe the promises of God for marriage it is this paradigm shift in your thinking that will help seal your heart and mind.

Then once the Word has been sown on the good ground of your heart, stage two is to release your faith. The second part of faith is action. It is what you do with what you believe. In order for faith to work faith must produce action. But here is an added benefit of acting on faith, faith that is acted upon produces a response from heaven. Therefore, as you act on real Bible faith, God responds.

A large part of making faith work is making sure the Word is adequately sown in your heart. With the desire to quickly receive the things we need from God, many try (myself included) to rush the process by not spending enough time on the hearing part before attempting the action part.

I've learned that if faith isn't there, no amount of action will produce results. Therefore the more time spent sowing the Word in the heart makes the releasing of faith easier.

The bible tells us to “examine ourselves, whether we be in the faith; prove your

own selves…”(II Corinthians 13:5) so here is little test that you can use to examine your faith.

Right now confess out loud the words below are a variation of these words.

“I believe I received my marriage.” I believe I received the person God chose for me to marry'. I believe I have received it and according to the Word, if I believe I received it I shall have it. ( Mark 11:24)”

If after making this confession or one similar to the one above, check if you sensed a small twinge of doubt in your heart or an unsettling feeling in your inner man. If there is anxiety, or a feeling of uncertainty your faith may not be as strong. It isn’t a sign of no faith but it’s a signal that your faith may not be at a level it needs to be to see results. It has simply located you and shows you what you need to work on.

But if you made this confession and your words had a sense of authority, resoluteness and peace proceeding from your heart, your faith is strong. And if you continue in this position of faith, you are on your way.

The reason why it's important to stress you have to really believe is because nothing will happen without actual faith. Real Faith has to be present in the heart in order to change circumstances.

Along with faith, which needs to be in the heart before actual change can occur, what is in the heart needs to be checked out too. According to Jesus the condition of the heart plays a major role in what in whether we receive or not.

In Mark 4, Jesus taught that the faith process can be impeded, slowed, delayed and even stopped because of wrong thinking; wrong beliefs, doubt and unbelief, lack of interest, cares of the world, busyness, attacks from enemy (since persecution rises for Word sake) which can all render the word unfruitful.

So Here is a checklist to help you examine where you are in the faith process and what you need to do the see the results you desire.

What scriptures or [Rhema] Word God has given you regarding your mate/marriage? List all of them if you can.

Review the above list and search your heart to see if you really believe the Word God gave you.

If you do not believe them, meditate on these items until you can believe them with all your heart.
If you do believe the Words God has spoken to you, what have you been doing about them? List the actions you’ve taken.

Jesus taught in Mark 4 how the heart can slow or stop production of the Word.
What are some distractions that you need to uproot from your life. List them.

Which ones are major time stealers? List them. To remove these time wasters from your life choose a time to fast but instead of fasting food, fast these activities giving this time to God about your mate.

God wants to keep you abreast of what is happening in your life. The Bible says the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come (John 16:13).
How much time on a daily basis do you currently spend with God?
What have you heard God say in the last 3 days regarding your mate? If your answer is nothing, then make time to seek God now.
God will speak to you daily if you give Him the opportunity. He wants to encourage you; show you how to pray; warn you of an upcoming attack etc. God is a talker. There are times God is silent but for the most part God is a communicator.

What actions have you been taking that prove you believe God? List them.
What has God said or done as a result of your action? If you cannot identify any response from Heaven, first, make sure you are in real Bible faith and second, find out why. He will respond.
n closing, this new year can bring new hope in believing God for your mate. But as you look forward to what the new year will bring, take time to make sure your faith is operating at the level required to see results.

To sum, faith has two parts: 1) sowing the promise in your heart and 2) the Action part. You can get better results if the Word has been properly sown in the heart before attempting to release faith. Faith should always be present before any action is undertaken. Therefore you should never act, without actual faith.

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