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Man: God's Greatest Creation

  • by Victoria Thornton
  • Have you ever thought about how wonderful a man is?  How God designed him?  How God sees Him?

    In Psalms 8:4-6, the Bible gives a majestic description of him.  When God made man I believe it was one of his finest creations to date.  God crowned him with glory and honor and made him to have dominion of all the works of his hands.  God also made sure that he put everything under the his feet.

    Psa 8:4-6 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:

    Adam, being the first man God made was place in garden overflowing with everything he would ever need.  God also honored Adam by giving him the job of naming all the animals on the earth.

    The Bible says that God brought every beast and fowl of the air and whatever Adam chose to call them that was the name that they were given.

    Gen 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

    After the fall of man and the redemptive work of Christ, man once again was restored to his original glory.  But sadly men are not receiving the honor they deserve.  Instead they are being used as punch lines for jokes on silly comedy tv shows.  Our men, God's wonderful creation, has been marred by views that are in direct opposition to God's Word.

    For instance, the wrong ideas and teachings we received about how to treat men from watching tv shows like 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' 'The Cosby Show' and Sex and the City' to name a few are destroying the real view of man.  These shows and others like them tear down the traditional role of a man as it directly opposes the position God placed them in.

    Also, consider the destructive work that has been assailed against them as women have been taught by society that we do not need them. This wrong and misguided advice has caused the breakdown of the family.

    Whether you realize it, not being subjected to these kinds of views can ultimately affect the way you view the roles of men, woman and marriage especially as God designed them.  As a result, many males and females are unable to walk in the will of God for marriage as quickly as they’d like because God has to first correct these views and teachings they wrongly received.  Since many of our views are developed by our environment, society and what we expose ourselves to, God has to compete with these wrong teachings and has to straighten us out before He coul,d bless us with the marriage He so longs to give us.

    I have witnessed God having to work with the hearts of minds of His sons and daughters to get them to a place where they have His idea of marriage over the worlds.


    *My co-author and I have put together a condense new ebook sharing some of the things God shared with us about how to treat a man.  Since God knows how men tick we thought passing this information along would help to reverse the wrong ideas and teachings we received about how to treat men.  Because it’s not the things you know you are doing wrong but the things that you don’t know that can cause the greatest harm.†

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