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BUILDING your Marriage

by Victoria Thornton   -

Except the Lord Build the House
They Labor in Vain that Build it...Psalms 127:1

Meditating on God's Word is key In order to be able to see the things we need come to pass (i.e., your mate). Mmeditation is a must.

If you are believing God for anything, mediation must be done even before the Prayer of Petition is prayed.

Because before we can speak with confidence to the mountain of singleness and tell it to be removed, we must have the Word firmly planted in our heart. In order to write God's Word in our heart, study and meditation plays an important role in receiving from God.

The scriptures He quickens to us, we find that God is responding to our concerns and usually has our answer hidden in the scripture He gives us.

As you study the Word the Holy Spirit, our Helper, can direct your study where you can receive exactly the answers you need. The revelation will be vital to your growth.

To those whose hope has been lost believing for your mate and becoming discouraged, discouraged enough to look elsewhere, I say don't. Or to those who may be watching a wayward mate act the complete opposite to what God showed you; I plead with you to stay the course and fight the good fight of faith.

Because the scripture says, Except the Lord builds the house they labor in vain that build it (Psalms 127:1.) After study of this scripture, it is clear only the house constructed by the Lord will bring satisfaction.

On the surface, it appears it is talking about a physical structure, but using a Strong's Concordance the original meaning of the word ‘house’ (H1004) in that verse speaks about both a family and a building.

And any construction on your own without the Father will be in vain. All the labor, all the effort will be in vain. The toil and work of making it into something only the Father can give freely won't be worth the effort.

Why work in vain for a mate of your choosing when God is willing and able to give you your mate freely. With the mate God has in mind for you, terms like, “we are working on our marriage”; “we are working to stay together” are terms you won't readily use because the fit will be perfect.

God has someone in mind just for you that will bring you a great deal of satisfaction. Don't throw it all away because you are impatient. Learn to move with God and let Him bring the person He has for you so you won't be disappointed.

And the scripture says, 'they labor in VAIN that build it' (Psalms 127:1).
Would you want the Lord to say that the thing which you have built is in vain? At the Judgment Seat of Christ would you want to hear that because you built it without Him, it was all done in vain, useless?

As you ponder these words, ask the Lord for a refreshing, to stir your faith again to believe. The Lord and His angels are just waiting to show Himself strongly in your behalf.

2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.

In Peter 3:9 it states, 'The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.'
If you have been seeking for a great while, seek God to find out why the delay. If doubt, distractions, not enough time spent in the Word, are the culprits then work to correct it. Your faith may be competing with the busyness of life and losing out to things such as work, overtime, rush hour, school, study group, practice, the internet and social media.

However, if you are believing the best you know how and from your perspective you are doing everything you know to do, then trust the Lord that whatever you are missing He will show you.

Alternatively, you may not be doing anything wrong. Just stay the course, believing you have received. Knowing God is faithful and already knows what you have need of. So don’t do it on your own, choose to let the Lord build your marriage and family for a life well lived.†

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