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Approaching Her

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I receive a lot of emails from female readers who tell me someone has crossed their path and they are not sure if the person is from God. They can see this person is interested in them but for some reason are confused as to why he isn’t speaking to her. They are reluctant to go further because the man they are interested in will not speak up. This dance can go on for a while as they wait for him to make the first move. They may not realize that some men are shy and reluctant to approach women due to fear of rejection.  However, if both parties are too afraid to approach each other the possible relationship and marriage God may be trying to give them will not progress.

To help the situation along, I advise them to simply 'smile' to let you know she is also interested.  Since overcoming her preconceived ideas can be difficult, so I thought it would be productive to let you know what she may be thinking as she does nothing about her apparent interest in you.

Here is insight into her side.

The female that you may have noticed, after much prayer to the Father to send her a mate, is watching and expecting God to bring him across her path. If someone crosses her path, she may immediately begin asking the Father to send confirmations if he is the person or not.  And after so much effort, the reason she won’t approach you first can be tied to her expectations. One expectation she may have is that she is waiting for you to approach her. Another expectation is she may be thinking that God may have already spoken to you and thus is waiting for you to strike up a conversation with her.

These expectations may not be true in her situation, nevertheless this may be the reason why you may believing God for your mate and God may have even pointed her out to you but a conversation does not ensue because of her faulty expectations.

And it works both ways. If you are believing God for your mate and someone crosses your path and you are not sure if this is the one God has for you, the first thing to do is ask God.  Then expect Him to answer.   God doesn’t want you wasting your time pursuing someone He did not choose for you, so expect God to speak in the beginning.   Depending upon how in tuned you are with God, God may tell you if she is the person even before she utters one word. If you haven’t picked up on any communication from the Lord, do not be afraid to communicate with her. If you haven't picked up on God’s direction after laying eyes on Her, the next way to find out if she’s of God is to talk to her.  The reason why you need to talk to each other is to pick up in your spirit if the Father is giving you a green light or not.  A simple ‘hello’ is all that is necessary. The reason why you want to speak is because someone has to make the first move. Therefore, to find out if this is the person God has for you, communication may be needed. Yet Many times this never comes to pass because both parties are too apprehensive to say ‘hello’.

And this is very important: if you do begin communicating with someone whom you think may be from the Lord, keep it platonic and light until you hear from God.  Avoid getting into a dating situation and avoid developing an emotional attachment that will be difficult to get out of if the Father does not approve of this relationship. Your only goal is to start a conversation so the HolySpirit can give you direction in your spirit.
Another important piece of advice is to keep your eyes on what God is saying.  If God is not giving you the go-ahead to pursue a relationship then do not pursue a relationship.  If after speaking with each other and you haven't been able to pick up on God's direction then do not move until you get it.  Do not settle for anything other than clear communication from the Father. Let His 'No' mean 'No' and "Yes' mean 'Yes' and 'Silence' mean keep praying until God does say 'yes' or 'no'.  Following this advice  will spare you heartache down the line. 

If you need help on how to hear in your spirit, ‘How to Receive Confirmation’ ebook may be of assistance. It covers many of the ways God speaks and how to hear from Him in your spirit and other ways God speaks. It also has plenty of personal examples that may help as well. You can get a copy by clicking here


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