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the future you want is Now

By Victoria Thornton   -

I talk about faith a lot but it seems there are many people who don’t quite understand it.

When I hear terms like, “I am waiting for God to send my mate” or “waiting for the manifestation of my mate” and they are sitting idly by waiting for a day in the future when God delivers the person to them while ignoring the present moment, this not faith.

Because when I hear someone talking about how they will be excited when the day arrives or when the person shows up and they are NOT doing or saying anything about having it NOW, they are not in faith. They are hoping for it, but not in faith for it.

Let me explain. When people are putting off in the future, equating the ‘Manifestation of their Mate’ with the ‘Receiving of their Mate’, this is not faith and it won't produce any results.

f you have prayed in faith at some point in the past asking God for the person He has for you, but you are putting off the 'Receiving of it' in the future, you are in hope and not faith. Because faith is now. Faith receives now, even, the moment you prayed.

However, if you are saying you are expecting the manifestation of your mate BECAUSE in your belief system and heart you believe you have it now, then this is faith and you will receive an answer from God.

For instance, suppose you are sitting on your couch in your apartment with no sign of your mate, it is from where you are, right now, (sitting on your couch in your apartment with no sign of your mate) that you believe you received him or her --not sometime in the future and certainly not when you see him or her in front of you. And your actions and your speech should reflect that.

It is right from where you are, you have your mate and the manifestation of when he or she arrives is a technicality. Their arrival is God's part in the faith process and He is working it out as long as He sees faith in operation.

However, the part that you must concern yourself with is, are you in true Biblical faith that takes the answer when you pray, not when the answer arrives.

Thus if you are waiting for the person to arrive, before you believe you have him or her; the person will never arrive because you are not in bible faith.

Because true bible faith, according to Hebrews 11:1 is, faith that is now.

Hebrews 11:1 states, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.

I hear many saying, “before my mate arrives I will study to be the best husband or wife there is. I will get my finances in order or lose 10 pounds or whatever.”

If you have prayed a prayer of faith asking God for a mate, you have it now.

Therefore, work to get the finances in order or your body in shape because as far as God is concerned He has already given it to you. And once you straighten out your thinking and you are in true bible faith, your faith will make the connection with the power of God and the mate you have been believing God for will come to pass.

To repeat, if you want to see the manifestation, (meaning actually have in front of you what you believed you received) you had better start acting like you received it, now.

Not hoping God will move someday in the future but having a clear understanding of Mark 11:24 which states, ' . . . What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them'.

So how can you tell if you are in actual faith the Bible speaks of? Number one, examine, what are you doing about what God has said? Two, examine how are you talking? Is your speech in the future tense or right now?

And last, examine your expectancy. Are you waiting around hoping the day arrives sometimes in the future or are you actively expecting God to deliver him or her any day now?

Remember, the arrival of your mate is a small footnote compared to the faith that is in your heart and how it expresses itself outwardly.

And, one final note: prepare, make yourself ready for your mate, etc., but instead or preparing for it like you haven't gotten it yet, start being and behaving like you have it now.

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